Following public concerns about travel and transport around changes to hospital services in Huddersfield and Halifax, a travel and transport group was created to ensure that public concern was addressed.


Healthwatch is represented on the group by our trustee Tony Wilkinson and the group has an independent chair, Mike Grady, with a wide background from the NHS, and members from CCG, Hospital, Public transport providers, West Yorkshire Combined Authority, Kirklees and Calderdale Council, mental health
services, & public transport interest group.


UPDATE: December 2017

The group received presentations covering the
affects of the Right Care Right Time reconfiguration plans, Care
Closer to Home, road re-designs and improvements,
quantity and time estimates of possible reconfiguration
scenarios on public transport, and shuttle bus services,
and the group have asked the public to become involved and share their views.

A final report will be produced and uploaded here.