Finance sub board
1.1 Introductions, apologies and Chair's remarks - 1.00 - 1.10pm - Nick
A reminder to please complete the form below and return to Stacey or Karen directly to log any additional conflicts of interest.
Declaration of interest form 2022
None received
1.2 Treasurer recruitment - 1.10-1.20pm - Stacey
Nick has reviewed the CVs we have received via LinkedIn, he requested that we reach back out to applicants to provide a covering letter and to confirm this is a volunteer Treasurer post.
This action has been completed.
The recruitment advert has also been re advertised via CharityJob and has been re sent to local accountants and finance companies for them to share with their employees.
1.3 Finances 1.20pm - 1.45pm
Stacey will share the 23/24 budget via her screen. The budget document is not able to be loaded onto our website due to its formatting and macros.
Currently working towards a deficit of £49,261 however this includes a staff member who has left the organisation which amounts to approx. £10,000 reduction in projected costings and deficit.
Stacey will screen share the Q2 management accounts due to document format.
Nick to provide an update regarding producing a paper for the Trustees around the charities finances.
Sub group discussion regarding this.
1.4 Income Generation 1.45pm - 2pm Stacey
Verbal update from Stacey
Karen attended income generation webinar with HWE. Stacey to provide update regarding Lottery funding opportunities.
Individual and partnership bids.
SMT are producing an internal income generation requirements policy which sets out the types of income and funds we would like to bid for in the future and the conditions we will take into consideration.