Healthwatch Kirklees and Healthwatch Calderdale worked together to find out how women of different demographic statuses view their health and wellbeing.

In this report, you’ll find:
• A summary of our findings.
• The impact of finance on women’s health and wellbeing.
• Insight into the views of female carers and what they say they need to improve their health and wellbeing.
• Insight into the barriers faced by disabled women and women with long-term conditions when looking after or improving their health and wellbeing, as well as their ideas for improvements.
• How women’s employment status affects health and wellbeing.

By Healthwatch Kirklees and Healthwatch Calderdale
Health Inequalities women's health Engagement Inequalities

Let's hear it for women's health - Health inequalities report Download File (pdf 3.13 MB)