Welcome Trustees, here you can find all of the papers for our July 2024 meeting. This will be held on Zoom

3pm to 5pm

Join Zoom Meeting

1.1 Introductions, apologies and Chair's remarks - 3:00pm to 3:10pm - MI

A reminder to please complete the form below and return to Stacey or Karen directly to log any additional  conflicts of interest.


Declaration of interest form 2022


Apologies received to date:

Karen Huntley 

1.2 Minutes and action log of previous meeting - 3:10pm to 3:25pm - MI

2.0 Executive update - 3:25pm - 4:00pm - SA and KH

HWK Risk register July 2024.xlsx

Trustees are asked to review all risks due to updates and comment upon actions and mitigations noted.  Actions to be added to action log for future trustee board meetings.  

3.0 Finance - 4:00pm - 4:15pm - HT

4.0 People Health Check - 4:15pm - 4:45pm - SMT

People Health Check Action plan update.pptx

Timeline of actions

timeline of action plan.xlsx 

Trustees are asked to review the papers regarding the people health check action plan and timetable and make comment/question timetable and plan of action.  

Handover procedure FYI

Internal Procedure on Employee Handover.docx

5.0 West Yorkshire Working - 4:45pm - 4:55pm - SA and KH

Currently Healthwatch Kirklees and Healthwatch Calderdale receive £5,000 per HW to provide resources for leadership to attend West Yorkshire ICB strategic meetings.

West Yorkshire contract is due for renewal March 2025.

West Yorkshire Healthwatch managers will be attending a facilitated session on the 24th July 2024 to discuss:

    • The current challenges and opportunities of collaborative working highlighted by Healthwatch managers
    • Distributed leadership – how it works currently and whether changes are needed for the future.
    • Completion of a Skills Audit by all Chairs and Managers
    • Evaluation of the skills and strengths of current Healthwatch managers and Chairs and how these are best used. 
    • The differing capacities and risk appetite of each local Healthwatch to deliver collaborative working beyond their local contracts
    • The financial envelope to be proposed for the next round of funding discussions with the ICB and how we propose this be distributed.
    • The evolving context of longer-term funding options to deliver the Healthwatch purpose
    • The current Partnership agreement
    • A draft Strategic Plan for WY working
    • Our current database system and new opportunities. 

Trustees are asked to note the verbal update. West Yorkshire update to be scheduled on board workplan for September board meeting. 

6.0 AOB - 4:55pm to 5:00pm - MI




The most recent director of public health report was upon poverty and the recommendations and how public health plan to move this agenda and outcomes forward can be found here: https://www.kirklees.gov.uk/beta/director-of-public-health-annual-report/support-and-recommendations.aspx

Please note you will need to download Microsoft Power BI if you wish to view these data dashboards.  We will share data dashboards at the trustee board meeting so you can see how our data insights have improved also.  There is a free version here: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=58494


Mental health awareness and support dashboard: Mental health dashboard.pbix 


Healthy families dashboard: Healthy Families Year 2.pbix


Diabetes awareness and barriers to services: Diabetes campaign 2.pbix