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1.1 AGM Introductions and apologies - 16:30 to 16:35 - MI

Apologies from SH 

1.2 AGM Minutes of the previous meeting and actions arising - 16:35 to16:40 - MI

AGM recording

Please note that the AGM is the first ten minutes of this recording only.

Action log

All actions completed

2.0 AGM Accepting Annual Accounts & Annual Report for 2022/23 16:45 to 16:50- MI

3.0 AGM Trustee/honorary member re-election 16:50 to 16:55 - MI

Trustee Board update and re-election information 

In line with Articles of Association, at every Annual General Meeting one-third of the Trustees shall retire from office. In the event that the number is not divisible by three, then the proportion to retire shall
be that nearest to one-third. The Trustees to retire shall be those longest in office since
they were last appointed. Where there are Trustees who have been in office for the
same length of time then, in the absence of agreement, those to retire shall be selected by lot.


We currently have 10 trustees including the Chairperson.



4: AOB and close - 16:55 to 17:00 - MI