Adult hearing services in North Kirklees – a chance to have your say
NHS North Kirklees Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) is inviting people to help them shape adult hearing services in North Kirklees.
The CCG is looking at adult hearing services that are currently provided in North Kirklees. The service sees over 800 new patients a year and runs over 700 follow-up appointments a year. The current contract for the service is due to end on the 31 March 2016.
The CCG is running a survey to find out what individuals, families and carers, clinicians, other health providers and voluntary groups think would be important in the new adult hearing service.
You can give your views by completing a short survey by Monday 7 September 2015.
This is also available online at
If you would like more information or to discuss this survey, please contact Amanjot Aujla on Tel: 01924 504938 or email: