Do you have an experience of cancer through your own diagnosis or as a family member, partner or friend?
Do you have an experience of cancer through your own diagnosis or as a
family member, partner or friend?
Are you involved in local Healthwatch?
Macmillan Cancer Support is hosting an event in central Leeds on 16th June 2015 for people affected by cancer who are involved in their local Healthwatch
This event will offer you the opportunity to meet others involved in local Healthwatch and to tell us about your experience of being involved.
We want to learn from what you tell us to improve the training, support and information we offer.
We will provide lunch on the day and pay your travel costs.
If you are interested in attending please contact Carol Gibbons, Macmillan cancer Support’s Strategic Involvement Lead by 1st June 2015 or on 0207 091 2007