Getting to outpatient appointment at Dewsbury, Pinderfields and Pontefract hospitals
Making your outpatient visit easier at Mid Yorkshire Teaching NHS Trust
In one of our latest projects we’ve been working with Healthwatch Wakefield and Mid Yorkshire Teaching NHS Trust to help make your visit as easy as possible. The trust looks after the hospitals at Dewsbury, Pinderfields and Pontefract.
We have been taking feedback from patients, staff and volunteers, as well as walking through departments to gain as much knowledge as possible of what is working and where improvements can be made in finding your way around and making sure you can reach appointments as easily as possible.
“Instead of all words pictures are more helpful for me. I cannot read when I’m so anxious but looking at pictures help me relate to being in the right place”
Until all of the feedback we have gathered has been reviewed, here are 5 top tips we’ve put together from Mid Yorkshire Teaching NHS Trust’s advice to patients, to help you when thinking about getting to your appointment.
Useful Links
- Click here to see the Shuttle Bus Time Table –
- Can I claim a refund for travel costs? Visit this link here for more information –
We’d like to hear your views on how clear and accessible the instructions in your outpatient appointment letter were to help you to locate your outpatient clinic.
If you have recently visited any of these hospitals as an outpatient, please share your views. Together we want to make things easier for patients, and we can only do that by hearing what’s worked well for you and what could be improved. You can share your views by:
• Calling us on 01924 450 379
• Email
• Leaving feedback for Pinderfields, Pontefract, and Dewsbury hospitals via our Feedback Centre
Earlier this year we conducted a survey for anyone attending outpatient appointments, including family members and carers. The three hospitals covered by Mid Yorkshire Teaching NHS Trust are, Pinderfields, Pontefract, and Dewsbury hospitals.
This survey closed on Monday 31 July 2023, please watch this space to for our findings.