West Yorkshire Pathfinder – Health Technology for Hearing & Visual Impairment
January 10, 2018
Do you know of someone (or a group), who has one of or both of these sensory impairments, that might like to get involved in this exciting next phase of making access to NHS services better?
Volunteers can get involved in a number of ways as follows:
- Your Appointment journey: A member of our team will join 3 individuals on their journey whilst they access services from their GP. We will use these journey’s as case studies which will inform our workshops and promotions.
- ‘Get Creative’ Workshops: We’ll be running a small number of workshops to take our learning from the user journey’s and research themes, to co-create and test out potential solutions for accessing services. This is not just about tech., it could be anything from how you’re greeted, how you receive information or how your appointment is held.
- Play with Apps: You could get involved by joining us for a fun session of testing out a selection of smart device apps that are already on the market, your feedback will help us to better understand what our ‘Tech Advocates’ and supporting services should be promoting.
- Be a Tech Advocate: If you have a special interest in how tech. can support your own visual and/or hearing impairment, or already use a particular technology (for example, assistive technology or a smart device app), you might like to volunteer to become a Tech. Advocate. We’ll work with you to understand what that means and how you can help in promoting this for other people accessing services.
For more information contact francesca.quartarulli@nhs.net