Remember to direct family and friends to Healthwatch Kirklees and Healthwatch Calderdale websites to tell us what they think about health and social care services they are using.

(add website links)

We want to know about their experience of going to the GP, hospital, Pharmacy, or any other health or social care service in Kirklees and Calderdale. They can complete this themselves and give the service a rating out of 5 or you can help them and do it with them remember if you fill this in you can use the email (Only for volunteers to use)  If you have some feedback from listening to peoples comments on social media or if someone wants to give some feedback that they feel uncomfortable with it being on the website for all to see but feel it is important that we know this is where you add this.

How to gather feedback

Feedback gathering

Online Collector Form   (this form is internal only)  Listen out this month for GP services, Dentist, pharmacy, care and residental home, home care service, Children services.