Healthwatch Kirklees has worked in partnership with (Third Sector Leaders) Community Champions to reach over 2000 people to tackle:
- Diabetes and risk factors awareness
- The challenges and barriers to accessing diabetes services and support faced by individuals
In this report, you’ll find information about barriers and recommendations:
- Awareness – The unanimous mention of a lack of awareness of services, risks and support across all demographics underscores the need for more robust outreach and education efforts.
- Language & Communication – Beyond the linguistic challenges often associated with non-native English speakers, the data revealed that individuals with learning disabilities face similar barriers.
- Time Constraints – Time emerged as a significant barrier, especially among working-age individuals and those with physical impairments.
- Gender Disparities – The distinct challenges women face, particularly regarding language and understanding, emphasise the need for gender-sensitive approaches in service provision and communication.
Health Inequalities
Long term health conditions
Please share this report with your contacts to help shape the future of service delivery.
If you require this report in another format, for example, in Audio, Easy Read, Plain Text or BSL, please get in touch with Healthwatch Kirklees by telephone: 01924 450 379 or email:
Read the report – Community Champion Diabetes Findings | Download File (pdf 115.96 KB) |
Optional download – Diabetes full data analysis Healthwatch Kirklees | Download File (pdf 1.66 MB) |