Carers Lanyard: Three months after the launch, how has the carer lanyard helped unpaid carers feel more visible and supported in health and care settings?

By Healthwatch Kirklees
Care homes Unpaid carers Young carers Carers Carers lanyard

Healthwatch Kirklees worked with the following local partner organisations to help launch the carer lanyard for unpaid carers – Mid Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust, Calderdale & Huddersfield NHS Foundation Trust,  South West Yorkshire NHS Partnership NHS Foundation Trust,  Locala, Kirklees Council, Carers Count, Carers Wakefield & District, Curo Health and My Health Huddersfield.

Kirklees has been used as a pilot area for the launch of the lanyard in the hope that the pilot would be extended to other local areas across West Yorkshire and nationally.

The report gives feedback from carers in health andcare settings since the launch, describing how people have responded while they wear the lanyard; it has helped them feel recognised, supported and for the importance of their role to be appreciated. Feedback is also from professionals in health and care settings, sharing how they feel the lanyard has worked so far.

To read the 3 month evaluation for yourself, please click on one of the formats of the report below. If you would like to access the document in any other format for easier accessibility, please email us at

Click here to here audio file of one of the quotes.

Carer Lanyard 3 Month Evaluation - Normal pdf Format Download File (pdf 1.05 MB)
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Carer Lanyard 3 Month Evaluation - Audio Version (MP3) Download File (mpeg 10.99 MB)

The carer lanyard has helped people to feel recognised, supported and for the importance of their role to be appreciated.