Healthwatch was asked by West Yorkshire and Harrogate health services to talk to patients, carers and the wider public, about what people thought about possible new ways of providing the care that they need when they have a stroke or care for someone who has.

The work was aimed at people who have experienced a stroke but did include methods to capture the views of the wider public also.

Hospital Long term health conditions Engagement

Why did we cover this issue?

Healthwatch across the West Yorkshire area agreed that patients should have the chance to shape the future of a stroke service by providing their views.

What is the impact?

In 2015/2016 3,633 people across West Yorkshire and Harrogate had a stroke and numbers are increasing year on year.


REPORT: What did we find out? Download File (pdf 1.10 MB)
VIDEO: What did people tell us video Download File (mp4 13.64 MB)