Platform 1 (mental health)

Mental Health and Wellbeing Charity Platform 1 is a fast growing and unique project which has developed to help men, women and their families regardless of background, through the provision of crisis support and in-depth counselling services. All service users are seen by our friendly pastoral team when they need help and support. When people find themselves in crisis simple tasks such as keeping appointments, making phone calls, paying bills can seem impossible, which is why at Platform 1 we can help to make appointments and log them so that we can remind people of them. We act as advocates and regularly attend meetings and appointments with our service users, all the time giving support. This not only helps the individual but helps keep the system flowing without missed appointments and lots of agencies trying to chase one person. Our pastoral team is made up of highly motivated and skilled people who can deal with any issues the service user may raise. Platform 1 liaises with all the local services and works alongside other charities taking the onus off the individual to make these contacts. We have a holistic approach to mental health and wellbeing and offer help to people in the grips of crisis which may be mental ill health, it may be related to housing or understanding the benefits system. The aim of our charity is not to just deal with symptoms, but to look at the whole issue and work hand in hand with each service user to work through the problems which they are encountering daily. Our counselling service is confidential and person-centred, which means that our clients are at the heart of the whole process- we empower them to discuss any issues they may be facing, or have faced in the past. Common issues raised within our counselling sessions are sexual abuse, domestic violence, alcohol or drug addiction and bereavement although this is by no means an exhaustive list. Counselling can be difficult and it can be uncomfortable but our calm and empathetic counsellors understand this, and are selected and matched with each client after an initial assessment to ensure the best possible journey, always with the offer of a comforting brew and a safe space within our comfortable and private counselling rooms.


01484 421143

St Georges Square


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Reviews (1)

No fuss in dealing with issues

August 22, 2019
Great to have somewhere safe to go ,no appointment necessary, straightforward and nonjudgemental Just what I need
Glad I found it