Post Covid / Long Covid Multi-Disciplinary Team (Locala)

Locala are working in partnership with the Local Authority and Mental Health services to support local people affected by Post Covid symptoms (also known as Long Covid). They have established a Multidisciplinary Team ‘The Post Covid MDT’ with their partners. This team will support the co-ordination of Post Covid patients, who have had symptoms for 12 weeks or longer, and have been referred by their GP or hospital. The Post Covid MDT will refer people to those existing services that can best meet their needs. The Post Covid MDT has representatives from; Locala Community Healthcare Improving Access to psychological therapies (IAPT Team) Kirklees Council (Wellness Services/Social Care) How can I get help from the Post Covid MDT? You will need to speak with your GP about your symptoms, as Locala can only accept a referral via your GP. Your GP will discuss this with you and offer suitable tests or investigations to try and ensure that it is Post Covid Syndrome and there are no other underlying issues. Your GP may also be able to suggest ways to help you.


0300 304 5555


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