The Lindley Village Surgery


01484 651403

Thomas Street
West Yorkshire


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Reviews (8)

Horrendous Service

June 19, 2024
This GP surgery Summarised. There’s no availability and no appointments at all the services are horrendous, from my experience - you can only call between 10 and 11 to book appointments, they supposedly close at 6:30, but just don’t answer calls from 5 or 5:30 onwards, and they prescribe you with things they know you can’t get - just to get you out of the surgery. I’m sick of this place and am currently sourcing another surgery spoke to staff including the Manager he was rude and always defended his staff as usual and don’t Recommend this surgery at all especially if you are disabled and vulnerable would have thought the manager would be understanding but I'm not really. Dr Iqbal Khan is amazing as always but he needs to get a more competent manager and staff. I have complained before but nothing gets done.

Good but could be better

August 11, 2022
The advice from the doctors is good but I don't work well with the internet so I rely on being able to speak to someone over the phone to book my appointments; unfortunately I can be on hold for half an hour or more. Also on more than one occasion, I have been told a doctor would call me back and then not receive a call until the next day or I have had to ring again to chase the call.

Reply from The Lindley Village Surgery

Thank you for your feedback, we strive to offer an excellent service, I will share this with the practice team

Provider responded

Friendly and supportive

June 23, 2022
Easy to use the online booking system to book an appointment - easy to pick a slot and easier for me to book online than over the phone.
GP is always friendly and supportive and the nurse I see is good with patients too.

Reply from The Lindley Village Surgery

Thank you for your lovely comment, we always strive to provide excellent care for our patients

I will share this with the team at our next practice meeting

Janet Atherton

Provider responded

Lack of empathy,do not dare to go, unfriendly

July 4, 2018
Never been able to get an appointment, need 4 weeks notice. Refuse to see child under 5 with lump in eye lid. Receptionist extremely unhelpful, grumpy and nasty sometimes. Don't understand my anxiety and now scared to ring for an appointment even for children to the extent I don't go to the doctors. Never know who you are seeing, different staff every time.
R.A.B & H.M.B

Quite good

March 22, 2018
Al very good, Big waiting list however.


March 16, 2017
Have to wait 3 weeks to see a doctor and there are no alternatives offered such as speaking to a doctor. They never tell you who you're booked in with so sometimes you might end up seeing the nurse practitioner for a new or complex problem and they can't help you.
They don't offer blood testing or anything extra so you have to go to the hospital for tests and things like that.
Can never get to see the same doctor. Doctors don't read your notes before seeing you so they don't have a clue about your situation when you walk in.

How to I get an appointment to see my GP?

September 18, 2015
Getting an appointment is very difficult. The staff and doctors are excellent. Its just the method of getting through to make an appointment.

Better appointment system needed

July 7, 2015
Difficult getting through on the phone to make an appointment, can only make an appointment for that day. unable to pre-book.