Welcome Trustees, here you can find all of the papers for our September 2024 meeting. This will be held in person at Huddersfield Mission, Lord Street, Huddersfield and online Microsoft Teams. Please ignore the Zoom link previously sent out.

3pm to 5pm

Meeting link below:


1.1 Introductions, apologies and Chair's remarks - 3:00pm to 3:15pm - MI

A reminder to please complete the form below and return to Stacey or Karen directly to log any additional  conflicts of interest.


Declaration of interest form 2022


Apologies received to date:

Nick Whittingham 

Lisa Hodgson 

1.2 Minutes and action log of previous meeting - 3:15pm to 3:30pm - MI

2.0 Executive update - 3:30pm - 4:00pm - SA and KH

HWK Risk register Sept 2024.xlsx

No change to any risks from July 2024


3.0 Finance - 4:00pm - 4:15pm - HT

4.0 Discussion item to be confirmed W/C 9th Sept - 4:15 - 4:50pm - All

5.0 AOB - 4:50pm to 5:00pm - MI