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1.1 Introductions and apologies - 1pm - 1.10pm - Melvyn

A reminder to please complete the form below and return to Stacey or Karen directly by 16th June 2023 to log any additional  conflicts of interest.

Declaration of interest form 2022




1.2 Previous meeting minutes/audio and actions arising from public meeting- 1.10pm - 1.20pm - Melvyn

Trustee Board meeting February 2023 – part 1

02:23 apologies

04:26 staff showcase


2.1 Minutes of the previous meeting and actions arising -private meeting- 1.20pm -1.30pm - Melvyn

Trustee Board meeting February 2023 – part 2

06:40 Management accounts

17:16 : Staffing 

NW and ML to have a conversation re Treasurer role

3.1 Five year vision - 1.30pm - 2.15pm - Stacey & Karen

Based upon staff and trustee development sessions conducted in Jan 2023 Stacey and Karen will present the charity’s five year vision. 



HW Kirklees operational Plan 2023-24


The operational plan forms the direction, strategy and tactics we intend to put in place during the next 12 months to push the charity towards the five year vision. 


Please ensure you have read this paper in advance, only highlights will be provided in the board meeting with opportunities to ask questions. 

3.2 Policy review timetable 2.15pm - 2.25pm - Clare

3.3 Board workplan timetable - 2.25pm - 2.35pm - Karen and Stacey

3.4 Finance 2.35pm - 2.45 pm

Chairs remarks - 2.45pm - 2.55pm - Melvyn

Any other business - 2.55pm - 3.00pm - Melvyn