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1.1: Introductions and apologies - 2:30pm - 2:40pm - Nick

Please complete the form below and return to Stacey or Karen directly to log any conflicts of interest.

Declaration of interest form 2022

Josh Booth

Suzi Henderson

1.2: Minutes of the previous meeting and actions arising - 2:40pm - 2:50pm - Nick

Audio file

19:00 – Overview of minutes

21:00 – Matters arising

24:36 – Workplan update

28:30 – Joint health and wellbeing strategy overview and questions

50:10 – Calderdale Cares ICB presentation Rachel Bevan

01:30:16 – Complaints procedure

01:33:47 – Q2 Management accounts 

01:38:25 – Communications officer maternity leave cover

01:41:02 – Restructure proposal and final sign off 

1.3: Workplan Review - annual staff showcase - 2:50pm - 3:50pm - Staff team

Organisational - 3:50pm - 4:10pm

Cover paper

Partnership agreement

You have already had a presentation at one of the last Trustee Board meetings about Calderdale ICB.

Regarding the Calderdale Cares paperwork, the Trustee Board is asked to:

  • Approve the content of the Calderdale Cares Partnership Agreement
  • Recommend that the Agreement is finalised and shared with the Health and Wellbeing Board for ratification


Kirklees ICB is still drafting their documents and will be sent to you prior to the next Trustee Board meeting.

10 MINUTE BREAK 4:10pm - 4:20pm

Staffing and confidential - Nick - 4:20pm - 5:30pm

Background on working from home costs.

Up until April 2020

  1. £15.00 was provided to staff towards their personal mobile costs
  2. £15.00 was added for Covid working from home costs

From April 2020 – April 2022

  1. We amended our working from home costs to align with Government led £26.00 directive
  2. We issued each member of staff a work mobile phone for use 

The Government working from home directive is ending in April 2022, Trustees now need to make a decision around working from home costings as we will not be returning to offices.  To cover a proportion of heating, lighting, Wifi which will be additionally used during office hours.  

Our accounts person has advised that the working from home amount (that Trustees approve today) could be  added to peoples salaries, this would ensure that management accounts and budgets can be easier to allocate/view. 

However we are mindful of the impact that this increase could have upon peoples personal circumstances such as entitlement to Government benefits which are income based.  Karen and Stacey would suggest continuing to pay these costs via expenses so that our teams are not affected by salary changes. 

We suggest a monthly amount of £30.00 per month working from home costs. 

Please indicate if you agree with this. 

Primary discussion around the additional funding provided by SWYFT £40,000 


For your information 

  • £20k SWYFT Calderdale (one-off)
  • £20k SWYFT Kirklees (one-off)
  • £2k Medequip (one-off)
  • £4k West Yorkshire Emergency department work (one-off)

Approx total – £46,000 to be added into 2022/23 income

The money has been requested from SWYFT, Medequip & ICS and will be allocated to core but is not currently represented in the budget for next year. 



Inflationary increase paper

Salary increase 2022.2023

Following discussion with TW, more information was obtained with regard to inflationary salary increases from  two other organisations (in addition to those presented in the paper) that can be considered similar to Healthwatch Kirklees/Calderdale 

Average inflationary pay increase last year of all organisations researched  was 1.63%.  One of these organisations, a local West Yorkshire Healthwatch recommends its salary increases in line with inflation and so this year is suggesting a minimum of 4.9% inflationary increase to match this inflation.   


For your information 

Inflation and price indices

BBC report on inflation and cost of living

House of commons briefing

Additional information and papers for your information