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1.1: Introductions and apologies - 2:30pm - 2:40pm - Nick

Please complete the form below and return to Stacey or Karen directly to log any conflicts of interest.

Declaration of interest form 2022


1.2: Minutes of the previous meeting and actions arising - 2:40pm - 2:50pm - Nick

Board meeting Feb 2022.m4a

01:07:00 – Complaints policy

01:16:00 – ICB Calderdale Discussion


10 MINUTE BREAK 4:10pm - 4:20pm

Staffing and confidential - Nick - 4:20pm - 5:30pm

Board meeting Feb 2022.m4a

Confidential section starts 01:18:00

We have asked our HR consultant to help us re look at our working from home/remote working policy as this will now need to be changed (due to the offices now being vacated). Staff contracts will also need to be updated with new place of business for staff. 

Alongside this we will also speak to the HR consultant around working from home expenses.

The HR consultant cannot start this piece of work with us until June 2022. 

For your information, still awaiting payment of

  • £4k West Yorkshire Emergency department work (one-off)
  • £5k Kirklees WY work
  • £5k Calderdale WY work

Approx total – £14k still to be added into 2022/23 income

The money has been requested from ICS and will be allocated to core but is not currently represented in the budget for next year. 



Additional information and papers for your information