All Age Disability Video
Please view and share our all age disability event video.
Kirklees Council have asked Healthwatch Kirklees to undertake a piece of engagement work in relation to an All Age Disability Service.
Over the next three years, Kirklees Council will be going on a journey to become a very different council. Their vision is ambitious; they are thinking big – they want to become a new council.
That means:
• supporting communities to do more for themselves and each other
• keeping vulnerable people safe and helping them to stay in control of their lives
• providing services – but focusing on the things that only the council can do
It’s all about giving people the right support at the right time whilst making the best use of money and preventing people needing expensive care and unnecessary support in the future. It’s also about how we work together differently to improve people’s quality of life. This is important for us all.
As part of the new council work, they will be looking at the approach to supporting people with disabilities – children, young people and adults. They are exploring the opportunity of creating an integrated disability service or all An Age Disability Service (a working title), as it is known in other councils, that have already changed to this way of working. The aim is to bring together services for disabled children, young people and adults, in a way that will ensure a whole family, lifelong approach is taken. This will ensure consistency, clarity and ultimately better quality services and support for people living in Kirklees with a disability.
We would like you to tell us about your experiences and what’s important to you (or the person you care for) to help shape our new approach.