Campaign launches to encourage those with a persistent cough or breathlessness to go to their doctor

July 19, 2017

Be Clear on Cancer is back with a respiratory symptoms campaign running across England.

The campaign highlights that a cough for three weeks or more could be a sign of lung disease, including cancer and that if you get out of breath doing everyday things that you used to be able to do, like mowing the lawn, it could be sign of lung or heart disease, or even cancer.

Dr David Kelly, Chair of NHS North Kirklees Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) and local GP said: “Don’t ignore your symptoms or put off a trip to the doctor. You won’t be wasting anyone’s time by getting them checked out.  If you know anyone who has any of these symptoms, encourage them to see their doctor as breathlessness can also be a symptom of other conditions such as anxiety or anaemia.”

Dr Steve Ollerton, Clinical Leader, NHS Greater Huddersfield CCG and local GP added: “While it may well be nothing serious, the campaign makes it clear that if you have a cough for over three weeks or get out of breath doing everyday things that you used to be able to do; you should go to your doctor. Finding serious conditions early normally makes them more treatable.”

The campaign is running for 15 weeks with advertising running on TV, radio, posters, newspapers/magazines and online. For further information search ‘Be Clear on Cancer’ or visit

Cllr Viv Kendrick, Cabinet Member – Adults and Public Health, Kirklees Council said:  “It is always better to be safe than sorry when it comes to our health.  When you are out of breath, it’s easy to think that you are a bit less fit that you used to be, or that you’ve got a bug that’s taking a while to clear.  But don’t risk it – make an appointment to see a doctor, it’s never a waste of their time to see a patient, even if it is just to give them the all clear.”


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