Care Quality Commission takes action to protect people at Sun Woodhouse Care Home in Huddersfield

February 27, 2017

The care team leader told inspectors that senior care workers were now tasked with sampling five people’s daily care records each day to check they contained the right level of detail. The findings at this inspection showed this had not been effective.

Inspectors checked records to see whether the home had made notifications to CQC about certain events and occurrences as is required by regulation. Inspectors found that statutory notifications for Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards authorisations had not been made to the CQC. The care team leader said they were not aware of this requirement and the area manager said they had not checked this aspect of management. This meant not all notifications to CQC had been made as required.

After the last inspection CQC met with the home to discuss the improvements required. Both CQC and Sun Woodhouse agreed admissions to the home would be halted voluntarily in the short term and then restart at a set rate until improvements had been made. Since the last inspection in August 2016 the home has abided by this agreement and provided regular progress updates to CQC. This inspection has shown that whilst some improvements have been made, further improvements are required.

Any regulatory decision that CQC takes is open to challenge by a registered person through a variety of internal and external appeal processes.

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