CCGs urge patients to have their say on proposed changes to health services in Kirklees

November 21, 2016

The Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) in North Kirklees and Greater Huddersfield want to hear your views about proposed changes to health services, the possible changes the CCGs want to talk to you about are called “Talk Health”.

What is Talk Health?

Until Sunday 27th November the CCGs are seeking your views about the following proposals:

  • Stopping the routine prescribing of products that are available in shops and pharmacies eg sun cream and multivitamins
  • Stopping the routine prescribing of gluten-free foods
  • Changing the criteria for individual funding requests
  • Prescribing generic (un-branded) medicines rather than the more expensive branded products.

Why is it important that you share your views?

Health services throughout Kirklees are under increasing demands, pressure and rising costs.  The CCGs would like your views upon their ideas and how to use their budget in a different way.  This may mean some difficult conversations and decisions about future health services in Kirklees, however it is important you share your views as this helps shape future services throughout our local area.

Dr Khalid Naeem, local GP, Governing Body member and clinical lead for medicines management at NHS North Kirklees Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) said: “Talk health Kirklees is an open and honest discussion with local people about the things we could do to get better value from NHS spending. While we have received some increase in funding, demand for services and costs for medicines, surgical procedures and new treatments are far greater.”

“Last year we started to talk about NHS priorities and many people supported the idea of reducing the number of prescriptions for paracetamol and other medicines that can be bought inexpensively in supermarkets.  Money that is saved through changes like this can be spent on things that have more of an impact on people’s health.”

Dr Steve Ollerton, local GP and Chair of NHS Greater Huddersfield CCG Governing Body added;   “The NHS budget is just the same as everyone’s household budget – we can only spend the money we have.  When the bills get higher we have to tighten our belt and cannot always keep buying more services.

“What is happening in Kirklees is not unique.   Everyone is aware that public services, including the NHS, are under pressure.  We must focus our effort on ensuring tax payers receive value for money when confronting these difficult challenges.  We want local people to be involved in the process and to share their views about priorities for healthcare.”

To see the “Talk Health” information please click here:

To share your views please click here:

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