Consultation dates for Hospital Changes confirmed

February 26, 2016


A major consultation will be launched on Tuesday, March 15th, 2016 on proposed changes to hospital services and further improvements to community services in Calderdale and Greater Huddersfield.

The Right Care, Right Time, Right Place consultation is being led by NHS Calderdale Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) and NHS Greater Huddersfield CCG and supported by Calderdale and Huddersfield NHS Foundation Trust. The consultation will run until midnight on Tuesday, June 21st.

A series of information sessions and public meetings will be taking place over the fourteen-week consultation period, where people can find out more about the proposed changes, ask questions and give their views. Details of these events will be publicised shortly.

Chairman of NHS Greater Huddersfield Clinical Commissioning Group, Dr Steve Ollerton, said:

“We welcome the opportunity of having real discussions with people throughout the consultation and listening to their views. It is important that we describe some of the challenges that we face as a health community and the changes we are proposing.”

Chairman of NHS Calderdale Clinical Commissioning Group, Dr Alan Brook, said:

“We are aware of the strength of feeling and passion that people have for health services and we encourage them to be actively involved in the consultation process.”

Consultation materials and further information will be available on launch day, Tuesday, March 15th 2016.


  • NHS Calderdale Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG and NHS Greater Huddersfield CCG are leading  the Right Care, Right Time, Right Place public consultation.
  • The public consultation will run from Tuesday March 15th until midnight on June 21st 2016.
  • The views of patients, members of the public, NHS staff and interested parties are being sought
  • A series of information sessions and public meetings will be taking place over the consultation period where people can find out more about the proposals, ask questions and give their views.
  • During the consultation the NHS will describe why they believe that change is necessary and improve understanding about the need for change. The consultation is also an opportunity to test out whether there are other ideas that the CCGs have not considered.
  • No final decisions will be made until the CCGs have concluded consultation and have properly considered the information gathered through consultation
  • During that time, the CCGs will work within the Joint Overview and Scrutiny arrangements operating across the councils of Calderdale and Kirklees to make sure that they have satisfied their requirements and enabled them to fulfil their duties.
  • The CCGs believe that the earliest that they will be in a position to make a final decision will be October 2016.

Healthwatch Kirklees will be working to collect the views of people in Kirklees throughout the process, ensuring that everyone’s voice is heard.


One response to “Consultation dates for Hospital Changes confirmed

  1. Why is the documents not available now. If we don’t get chance to read them before the events how are we supposed to put considered questions. This is a cynical way of keeping the public in the dark yet again.

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