Developing Coproduction within Kirklees Adult Social Care services (and beyond) in Kirklees – A Virtual Gathering

January 7, 2021

Below you can find information on an event being run by Kirklees Council. 


‘Our vision is about people as active and equal partners in how we work together to co-produce, co-design, co-deliver and co-evaluate care services in Kirklees’

Kirklees Council, Our five-year vision for Adult Social Care


13 January 2021, 1 – 3.30 pm – Zoom Register on Eventbrite here: Eventbrite Registration Link


We would like to invite you to a gathering to discuss how we make the vision for coproduction in social care a reality; creating care and support which is designed by the people who receive it. We would like your ideas and contribution to the further development of this vision, and discuss how we might work together to deliver on this vision.


What is coproduction?


“A way of working whereby people and decision makers, or people who use services, carers and service providers work together to create a decision or service which works for them all. The process is realistic, value driven and built on the principle that those who use a service are best placed to help design, evaluate and influence it”


The session will be facilitated by the charity Social Care Institute for Social Care (SCIE), who Kirklees have commissioned to support us with developing good coproduction arrangements, alongside members of Kirklees Council coproduction working group.


This gathering will bring together a range of people who we want to share our future plans with, including people who use adult care services, unpaid carers, people who work within local health and social care services and from the voluntary and community sector.


Whether you attended the two workshops that took place at the Media Centre in 2019 where we created our shared definition of coproduction, or not – you are welcome to join us as we continue on this journey, together.


This year, Kirklees Council published a bold five-year vision for Adult Social Care in Kirklees which states that it wants to see ‘people as active and equal partners in how we work together to co-produce, co-design, co-deliver and co-evaluate care services in Kirklees.’ This vision provides a strong set of foundations for us to build a compelling, widely-owned and transformative plan to co-produce services. (Read more here)


The gathering will

  • Explore some of the barriers and opportunities to coproduction in Kirklees
  • Share progress by Kirklees Council and the NHS Clinical Commissioning Groups on coproduction related work over the last year
  • Look at our vision for coproduction and what we need to do next with it
  • Discuss how we want to work together as equal partners in delivering this vision
  • Discuss and develop our plan for taking coproduction forward



We anticipate that this will be the first of many opportunities to come together in 2021 after a long break as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020. What any future gatherings will involve and what we will focus our time working on together will be decided by you as well as other people who feel motivated to help continually develop services that work for us all!


The gathering will be a virtual, online meeting using Zoom.  Use the following link to register: Eventbrite Registration Link


Please email if you need any support with getting involved in the meeting.

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