Family support rooms at Pinderfields Hospital

July 13, 2016

In autumn last year Mid Yorkshire Hospital Trust were really excited to launch their new family support rooms at Pinderfields Hospital.

Situated on the elderly care wards, the rooms are designed to be a home from home enabling family and carers to stay in the same room overnight and be physically close to their loved ones who are living with dementia or in their final days.

The Hospital Trust received tremendous feedback from the families who’ve used these rooms and as the first hospital in the country to have created them they had a lot of requests from people wanting to come and see them. These rooms were shortlisted for a Patient Safety Award in the category of dementia care.

With the help of Engie – our facilities management company – we’ve created a short video which we thought you’d like to see.

Click here to see the video

It gives a real flavour of what the rooms are like and why they work so well. It also includes a short piece from one of our patients who was able to take comfort from one of the rooms in his final days.

We would be grateful if you could share this information with other people who may be interested so that people who may benefit are aware of this facility.

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