Are you helping young people in Kirklees look out for eachother?
Help young people in Kirklees look out for each other
‘Looking out for each other’ – a new campaign for young people
Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, West Yorkshire and Harrogate Health and Care Partnership (WY&H HCP) launched the ‘Looking out for our neighbours’ campaign. This inspired over 49,000 people to get involved by making a positive difference to their neighbours’ lives through acts of kindness.
The campaign launched a new phase on 13 September called ‘Looking out for each other’.
This campaign has been created to encourage young people aged 15-24 years to #SpreadTheKindness with their friends and peers.
September is a time of big changes and transitions that can affect young people’s mental health and wellbeing, which for many had been impacted by the pandemic.
‘Looking out for each other’ aims to encourage young people to check-in and share positive messages with friends either online or in person, helping them support and reassure each other through a period that is often exciting but faced with fresh challenges.
How can you get involved?
WY&H HCP would like organisations that work with young people in Calderdale to support the campaign and share the free print and digital materials with their community.
Every organisation that signs up will be sent free materials including a ‘5 ways spread the kindness’ postcard and social media graphics that can be shared on instant messenger and social media to brighten up someone’s day.
Sign up to the campaign by completing this online form
For any further queries please contact:
Additional information for organisations
Plasma Screens
If you utilise plasma screens in your public facilities and sites to share messages with your community, then please use the supplied plasma screen graphics to add to your weekly rotation.
These plasma screens include messages to create awareness about the campaign but also to push positive supportive messages to the young people.
Plasma screens graphics have been supplied as standard size (4:3) and widescreen (16:9).
Video content
Our young campaign ambassadors will be producing six videos that will be shared over a six-week period from 20 September. We will use these to keep building momentum and encourage young people and supporters to engage with the campaign.
These will be shared online at: . Supporters of the campaign will also be emailed regular updates we will share all these updates with you and at @WYHpartnership.
Check out the #spreadthekindness messages below and tell us in the comments what message you’ll be sharing today and why? We’ll select one comment each week during September and October to share on our social media. Thank you for spreading the kindness!
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