Huddersfield Royal Infirmary and Calderdale Royal Hospital

January 18, 2016

Reacting to the current stories in the Huddersfield Examiner, Healthwatch Kirklees Director Rory Deighton said:

“It’s surprising to hear of the proposed change of direction in the future of hospitals in Huddersfield and Halifax.  This is not yet confirmed but we believe this is the case. Healthwatch’s role is to ensure that the views of people in Kirklees are heard by the Clinical Commissioning Group and the Hospital Trusts Management team and to support people in Kirklees by providing accurate information. We’ll be working hard in the next 6 months to make sure that this happens.”

“What we understand so far is that the Clinical Commissioning Groups in Huddersfield and Halifax will meet jointly on the 20th January. We believe that this meeting will sign off a case for change and that a formal 12 week period of consultation will start in early February. At that point Healthwatch will be out and about collecting views, comments and issues that people raise.”


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