Invitation to a workshop

July 18, 2019

Wellbeing Mental Health Support in Kirklees and Calderdale.

Where are we now and what happens next….


Healthwatch Kirklees recently asked people about their experience of using the Single Point of Access (SPA) for adult and mental health services in Kirklees and Calderdale. Hundreds of people told us their views and we would like to share our findings. We also want to talk to people about how we hope to use their feedback to influence change and improvement. South West Yorkshire NHS Foundation Trust are keen to work with Healthwatch and with people who might need support from mental health services to get things right, so please join us for a workshop to:


  • Hear what people have told us already about their experience of accessing SPA
  • Tell us what you would like SPA to look like in future
  • Discuss how it can be made easier for people to access the right mental health support at the right time
  • Help improve information about mental health and wellbeing services in Kirklees and Calderdale


We would particularly welcome attendance from people who use or who have used mental health services (including SPA) in the last 12 months, and would also like carers to attend. If you need any support to be able to attend this event, please let us know using the contact details below:


Tuesday 30th July 2019


Hudawi Centre

Great Northern Street, Huddersfield, HD1 6BG


To book a place, please email or phone

01924 450379


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