Latest information on Kirklees Hospital Visits
Hospital Visits Kirklees – Information
The Dewsbury Reporter has published information from Mid Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust who are requesting anyone who enters Pinderfields, as well as Pontefract Hospitals, to continue wearing face coverings unless exempt and adhere to social distancing.
The trust said: “We would like to kindly ask all of our visitors and patients to continue to wear a face mask or covering, maintain a two-metre social distance at all times whilst in our hospitals – even after restrictions have eased.
By doing so you are helping to keep our hospitals and vulnerable patients safe, whilst also protecting our staff who have worked so hard throughout the pandemic.
We really want everybody to remain safe and politely ask that everybody continues to abide by the rules in place. We may refuse to treat you if you refuse to wear a face covering.
Thank you for your co-operation.”
Further information and guidance from the Trust can be found via their website.
Have you had hospital appointments in the last 12-months? Please tell us if you’ve experienced delays how this has impacted you, and what you’d like to see improved. We would like to gather public feedback good and bad and in Autumn 2021 we’ll publish a full report informing health and social care managers in your local area of what you need.
Click here to share your views online Or call or email us 01924 450 379
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