NHS England looking for contributions to their Mental Health Task Force
In March 2015, NHS England announced a new Mental Health Taskforce which will develop a five year national strategy for mental health, covering all ages. The strategy will align to the Five Year Forward View and will be informed by a wide range of lived experience and professional expertise.
NHS England want to ensure that a wide range of stakeholders have the opportunity to feed in, therefore Mind and Rethink Mental Illness are running a survey, the results of which will feed into the Taskforce.
The survey is now open at www.surveymonkey.com/s/mh2020
We would very much welcome your input into the survey and would be grateful if you could circulate details to your members, particularly people with lived experience of mental health problems. The survey will close on 15 May 2015.
There is further information about the Mental Health Taskforce and how you can get involved available on Mind’s website.