No voice unheard, no right ignored
‘No voice unheard, no right ignored’ – a consultation for people with learning disabilities, autism and mental health conditions
The Department of Health is seeking views to strengthen the rights of people with Learning Disabilities, Autism and Mental Health issues to enable them to live independently.
This consultation will run up to the 29th May 2015 and is centered on people living away from home in care homes and hospital settings away from their families and loved ones.
The consultation is asking about ideas about how this needs to change. The document also seeks to explore views on a number of issues relating to the Mental Health Act which were raised during the recent consultation on the revised Mental Health Act Code of Practice.
The consultation explores options on issues such as how people can:
- be supported to live independently, as part of a community
- be assured that their views will be listened to
- challenge decisions about them and about their care
- exercise control over the support they receive with a Personal Health Budget
- expect that different health and local services will organise themselves around their needs
- know that professionals are looking out for their physical health needs as well as their mental health needs
The link below will take you to the consultation documents where a response can be made either on-line or in paper format.
The link has a number of documents including the full document, an easy read version and the answer booklet for written submissions. You will need to scroll down towards the bottom of the page to reach the ‘Ways to respond’ section where if you click on ‘Respond online’ you can make an electronic submission.
The consultation will inform the next administration about next steps – regarding the use of secure settings for people with Learning Disabilities, Autism, Mental Health and behaviors that challenge.
Ways to respond
Or complete a response form and either Email to:
Write to: Consultations Co-ordinator
‘No voice unheard, no right ignored’ consultation
Department of Health Area 313, Richmond House
79 Whitehall, London, SW1A 2NS