Proposed Changes to Health and Social Care Regulations

June 13, 2017

The Care Quality Commission (CQC) want your views on changes that they are planning to health and adult social care services.

 This is the second consultation on their proposed changes.

The CQC will work together where providers are delivering services across the hospital, primary care or adult social care sectors. They will also continue to work and learn with services as they change and adopt innovative ways of providing care.

The CQC want to keep the elements that we know people value, and to improve what people tell them they can do better. They will continue to work with people who use services, providers, professionals and other local and national partners to co-produce what they do.

What this consultation covers

The CQC are seeking views on our proposals to:

  • regulate primary medical services and adult social care services
  • improve the structure of registration, and clarify our definition of registered providers
  • monitor, inspect and rate new models of care and large or complex providers
  • use our unique knowledge to encourage improvements in the quality of care in local areas
  • carry out our role in relation to the fit and proper persons requirement.

Consultation documents

How to give your views

Read the consultation document and say what you think using the online form.

This consultation closes on Tuesday 8 August 2017.

Online: Complete our next phase consultation form

Email: – if you have any questions about this consultation


Join the conversation on Twitter using the #CQCnextphase hashtag

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