Right Care Time Place update: Post- Consultation deliberation process & timeline

August 8, 2016

Please see update below from Greater Huddersfield and Calderdale Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCG):

As you will be aware, the Right Care Right Time Right Place fourteen week period of formal public consultation on proposed future arrangements for hospital and community health services ended at midnight on Tuesday June 21st.
To keep you updated below is a summary of what is happening between now and the decision on the outcome and next steps being made by NHS Greater Huddersfield and Calderdale CCGs’ Governing Bodies meeting in parallel on 20 October.
NHS Midlands and Lancashire Commissioning Support Unit are currently independently collating and analysing all survey data and feedback in order to produce a report, The Consultation Report of Findings. This is due for completion end August and will be published on the RCRTRP website.
NHS Greater Huddersfield and Calderdale CCGs will then take time to review, consider and reflect on the Report and our response to the issues and concerns that have been raised.
As part of this deliberation, we will be inviting representatives of local stakeholders that were involved in our pre-engagement stakeholder events such as patient groups, voluntary groups, partner organisations, staff-side representatives, campaign groups, MPs and local councillors to an event to look at the findings of the Consultation.

We will also be considering the views of the Calderdale and Huddersfield Joint Health Scrutiny Committee who will, as part of their continued scrutiny of the Consultation, will provide a formal response to the Consultation in early October and Healthwatch, who will provide a formal response end of August.

Additionally, we will complete an Equalities and Health Inequalities Impact Assessment which will enable commissioners to pay due regard to their Equality and Health Inequality duties.

Collectively, this information will come together to help us to produce a report of recommendations to support the CCGs’ Governing Bodies in making their decision.

Once the decision is known, we will publish the outcome and provide as much information as possible about next steps. If you have any questions, you can continue to get in touch via our email: rcrtrp.myview@nhs.net

Timeline summary:
 End August: Publication of Consultation Report of Findings
 During September – Mid October: CCGs deliberate on findings and engage with key stakeholders
 Early October: JOSC presents their response to CCGs
 20 October: NHS Greater Huddersfield & Calderdale CCGs’ Governing Bodies meet in parallel in public to decide on outcome of Consultation and next steps.

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