Would you be happy to share your experience of choosing a care home?

January 30, 2018


The CQC is planning a new campaign aimed at people who are choosing care at home or care home for themselves or a loved one. The campaign aims to raise awareness of CQC, its role in inspecting and regulating care homes and the help its inspection reports and ratings can provide to those choosing what is right for them.


How you can help

We are looking for people who would be happy to share their recent experience of care homes, to help support the campaign. Ideally we are looking for people with a range of experiences, including:

  • People who are in the process of finding home care or a care home for themselves /a loved one – who wants to share their advice and tips with other people
  • People who are happy with the care they/ their loved one receive in their care home – and what good care looks/ feels like to you/ your loved one.


Written stories

You will be interviewed and a summary of your experience will be written up. This will be shared with you for approval and once approved, offered to magazines and other consumer media as supporting material. The campaign would launch at the end of February.



We would like to film short video clips (approx. 1 minute) with three case studies, talking about your experiences and advice for other people. These short films would be shared with you for approval, and once approved, feature on the CQC website, shared on social media and with consumer media.


Getting in touch

If you are interested in participating, either with a written story or participating in a filmed interview, please get in touch with the following information:

Name, age, where you are from and a short summary of your experiences, highlighting anything you think would be particularly interesting to other people researching care homes.

Please also provide your availability for filming over w/c 29 January – 12 February . It’s possible the filming may take place in your home/ relative’s care home if appropriate and if we are granted permission.

If you are interested in participating or would like any further information please contact:


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