In early March 2017 we received information from patients in Kirklees and Calderdale, who had used the posture and mobility service, that they were concerned over long waiting lists and equipment which was unfit for purpose.

We also found that positive feedback was submitted to the Healthwatch Calderdale website from some patients who did not have complex or changing needs.

Social care Council and Clinical Commissioning Group Inequalities

Why are we covering this issue?

Healthwatch felt that we could help improve the experiences of posture and mobility services for young people and people with complex wheelchair needs.

What is the impact?

Posture and mobility services in Kirklees and Calderdale provide support to approximately 10,000 patients.



UPDATE: March/April 2017

Healthwatch Kirklees staff met with two parent groups to listen to their concerns around wheelchair services.

An online survey was created to gather additional feedback.


UPDATE: May 2017

In May Healthwatch met with the Quality Manager for both Greater Huddersfield and Calderdale Clinical Commissioning Groups to discuss the issues people were experiencing.

The Healthwatch report and case studies were presented to the Clinical Commissioning Groups.


UPDATE: September 2017

Healthwatch Calderdale and Kirklees met with Opcare to discuss our report findings.

Issues with wheelchair services have been selected by Scrutiny panels in Kirklees and Calderdale.

A scrutiny committee is responsible for examining all functions and responsibilities of the Council.

The Committee is made up of councillors from the local area and they help to ensure that the Council delivers its key aims and objectives, by creating an open, transparent mechanism for Councillors to shape, question, evaluate and challenge the Council policies, decisions and performance.


UPDATE: October 2017

During October 2017, further engagement with Opcare’s stakeholders was completed via an online survey; this was to ensure that everyone who had used wheelchair services had the opportunity to have their say, including carers for adults and staff who refer people to posture and mobility services.


MEDIA: Clinical Commissioning Group Statement

On 29 November 2017, the Clinical Commissioning Groups released the following statement on Opcare’s Wheelchair Services.

Click this to read the Joint statement from Clinical Commissioning Groups



REPORT: Scrutiny Committee January 2018

In January 2018, Healthwatch presented this issue to scrutiny committees in Kirklees and Calderdale.

Click this to read Calderdale Scrutiny feedback



UPDATE: March 2018

We understand that Clinical Commissioning Groups in Kirklees and Calderdale have agreed to invest significant additional resources to reduce the current waiting lists for wheelchairs in Kirklees and Calderdale.

We are due to meet with the Clinical Commissioning Groups and Opcare in April 2018 to understand better what this means for people in both area’s, and will provide a more detailed piece of feedback after that meeting.” Rory Deighton Director Healthwatch Kirklees


UPDATE: May 2018

Healthwatch welcomes over £1m to clear backlog in demand for wheelchairs in Calderdale and Kirklees.

Kirklees and Calderdale Clinical Commissioning Groups have committed to invest over £1,086,409 by September 2018 to clear a backlog in demand for wheelchairs.


Click the link above to see Ellie’s story.



Click the link above to see Olivia’s story.



Click the link above to see Lucy’s story.



Click the link above to see Katie’s story.



Click the link above to see Alex’s story.


Below you will be able to find information regarding the reports attached at the bottom of this page. 


REPORT: Healthwatch findings

Click the link on the right to view the report outlining the findings of the work completed by Healthwatch
regarding Posture and Mobility Services (Opcare), the organisation commissioned by the NHS to provide wheelchair services.