Pinderfields Hospital


01924 541000

Aberford Road
West Yorkshire


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Reviews (154)

A&E Long waiting times

Accident and emergency services
July 16, 2024
Waiting time in A&E is very long , there’s no beds , they need more staff to help out . Could students studying in medical heath services etc volunteer to help out to ease pressure and reduce waiting times ?

Lack of interest of my head injury.

March 26, 2024
Had only MRI scan at Dewsbury A @E but no other investigations Pinderfields and treated migraines.

Reply from Pinderfields Hospital

Thank you for taking the time to post your comments and I can only appreciate what a worrying time it must be for you regarding a head injury.

Unfortunately, I am unable to look further into your concerns without patient details and it would be inappropriate for me to ask for these on a public website. Therefore, could I ask that you make contact with our PALS team ( who will be able to look into this for you.

Thank you again and I wish you a speedy recovery.

Kind regards
Clare Blackburn
(Head of Patient Experience)

Provider responded

I was taken to Pinderfields A&E early in the

Accident and emergency services
August 27, 2023
I stopped being able urinate and was in agony. The nursing staff scored 5tars plus they were amazing. The very young doctor not so much as she hadn't heard of urodynia. I was discharged with a catheter in. Unfortunately when I spoke to my GP my discharge hadn't been loaded on the computer and no and made to TWOC clinic.My GP had to sort everything out.

Reply from Pinderfields Hospital

Thank you for taking the time to post your comments regarding your recent experience.

I am really pleased that you found our nursing staff to be "amazing" and I will share your lovely words with them. I know how thrilled they will be to know how much you appreciated their help and support.

However, I am sorry that not all of your experience has been as positive. I will share your feedback with the staff as it is important we learn from our patient's experiences.

Thank you again and I hope you are recovering well.

Kind regards
Clare Blackburn
(Head of Patient Experience)

Provider responded

A&E waiting time ridiculous

Accident and emergency services
August 24, 2023
I was taken to pinderfields hospital by ambulance, from being checked in at a&e I wasn’t seen by a doctor for over 12 hours also one of my blood tests was lost. The wait time to see a doctor is ridiculous and will end up in people losing their lives unless something is done about the wait times. I was finally seen by a doctor after being transferred to the same day emergency care team in the hospital, I can only think I was transferred to this department to get a&e numbers down to make the situation in a&e not look as bad.

Reply from Pinderfields Hospital

Thank you for taking the time to post your comments regarding your recent experience.

I am really sorry to read of your lengthy waits in our Emergency Departments. We are currently experiencing high numbers of visitors to our Emergency Departments which, unfortunately, means that many of our patients are having to wait longer than we would like. Regrettably, this does not provide a positive patient experience.

We are regularly monitoring the situation and looking at other ways to try and reduce the length of time our patients are having to wait to be seen.

Thank you again for your feedback and I hope you are recovering well.

Kind regards
Clare Blackburn
(Head of Patient Experience)

Provider responded

Awesome staff !

August 9, 2022
The staff at the diabetes department are awesome ! Knowledgeable, helpful, professional and make you feel valued. Thank you .
Adam Harbour

Reply from Pinderfields Hospital

Thank you for taking the time to post your comments and I am so pleased to read of your positive experience.

It is lovely to read feedback that described our staff at "awesome" as all of our staff strive to achieve a positive experience for all our patients. It is clear from your posting, that your experience has been very positive.

I will share you kind words with the team who I know will be really happy to read of your positive experience.

Thank you again.

Kind regards
Clare Blackburn
(Head of Patient Experience)

Provider responded

Lack of compassion

Respiratory Medicine
November 8, 2021
My 81 year old mother was alone when given a terminal diagnosis at 1 o’clock in the morning after a 10 hour wait in A&E. She was never referred to oncology, just switched between care of the elderly and respiratory wards at will, this resulted in her being discharged home with no further care in place. This is a brief summary of what was a tragic experience for our entire family. My mother-in-law must have had a similar experience during April-July 20 where she caught covid in Pinderfields and remained an in patient for 4 months - her mantra now is “help me, help me” I can only assume this is a remnant of her “care” in the hospital
Joanne Pearce

Extremely disappointing and upsetting

July 11, 2021
Elderly Asian relative treated with very little respect, lack of care, ward doesn’t answer your phone call despite trying multiple times. Both patient and relatives feeling vulnerable during this difficult time.

Staff amazing care 1st class

Accident and emergency services
April 6, 2021
Went to a/e. Long long wait but given blood transfusion in a/e before going to gate 41. Looked after very well

Very difficult times but feel reassured

February 16, 2021
My grandad was admitted and stayed at gate 41 for 3 days. We were so worried as we couldn’t see him or speak with him so was relying on phone contact with nurses.
There were some delays in the phones being answered but we do understand that. I’d like to specifically mention one member of staff, who spoke to me twice in one day to update me fully on his condition, the plans and what they would investigate or do once certain results came back. She empathised with how we were feeling and gave me the time to ask anything and did not make me feel rushed, even though I know she was very busy. On being discharged my grandad said that on one occasion someone would not pour him a drink when he asked, as they said they’d seen him walk to the toilet. He’d only asked as he was shaking and worried about spilling. Other than that 1 incident, he said he had been looked after brilliantly and could not fault anyone else. That’s reassuring considering how frightened he’d been about being in there alone.
Carrie Hilton

Nurses are fantastic

February 6, 2020
Have to have yearly mammograms
Nurses fantastic very reassuring and competent
Appointments always on time and if you arrive early thet see you ASAP