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Let’s hear it for men’s health and wellbeing – Health Inequalities Report
Healthwatch Kirklees and Healthwatch Calderdale worked together to find out how men of different demographic statuses view their health and wellbeing.
In this report, you’ll find:
• A summary of our findings.
• The impact of finance on men’s health and wellbeing.
• Insight into the views of male carers and what they say they need to improve their health and wellbeing.
• Insight into the barriers faced by disabled men and men with long-term conditions when looking after or improving their health and wellbeing, as well as their ideas for improvements.
• How men’s employment status affects health and wellbeing.
Healthwatch analysing the outpatient journey at Mid Yorkshire Teaching NHS Trust
From letter to appointment:
A volunteer-led project analysing the outpatient journey at Mid Yorkshire Teaching NHS Trust
Healthwatch Kirklees and Healthwatch Wakefield worked with Mid Yorkshire Teaching NHS Trust to gather patient feedback on hospital outpatient appointment letters. We aimed to understand patient experiences and improve the overall impact of the information provided by understanding how patients go from receiving a letter to getting to their appointment. We visited Dewsbury District Hospital, Pinderfields General Hospital, and Pontefract Hospital to navigate how patients find their way from the hospital entrance to the outpatient departments; we also conducted paper surveys during visits, online surveys, and reviews of appointment letters.
In this report, you’ll find:
• Feedback and recommendations about appointment letters
• Feedback and recommendations about booking lines and booking team
• Feedback and recommendations about navigation, signage and environment
- Dentistry 6
- domicallary services 1
- Diabetes 1
- General Practitioner (GP) 8
- supported living 1
- F 0
- Hospital 3
- home adaptations 1
- cervical screening 1
- Mental Health 4
- Carers lanyard 2
- Breast screening 1
- Social care 9
- Care homes 2
- women's health 4
- Enter and View 2
- Unpaid carers 2
- Leaving hospital 1
- Council and Clinical Commissioning Group 3
- Young carers 1
- reablement 1
- Long term health conditions 7
- West Yorkshire 3
- discharge 1
- Engagement 22
- annual report 2
- Inequalities 8
- End-of-life care 2
- Carers 2
- Bereavement 1
- assisted living 1
- Dying 1
- medequip 1
- Grief 1
- National work 5
- community care equipment 1
- Accessibility 2
- Children and Young People 1
- home care 1
- Men's Health 5
- Covid-19 3
- independent living 2
- Health Inequalities 6