Latest Reports

Problems with wheelchair provision in Kirklees

In early March 2017 we received information from patients in Kirklees and Calderdale, who had used the posture and mobility service, that they were concerned over long waiting lists and equipment which was unfit for purpose.

We also found that positive feedback was submitted to the Healthwatch Calderdale website from some patients who did not have complex or changing needs.

Social care Council and Clinical Commissioning Group Inequalities

Incorrectly issued penalty charges

Over the past two years we have heard stories from patients about penalty charges from the NHS Business Services Authority.

Penalty notices are sent to patients who have incorrectly claimed free dental or prescription charges. The charges include the cost of the treatment and also a penalty fine of up to £100.00.

National work Dentistry Inequalities
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Travel and Transport to hospital services in Halifax and Huddersfield

Following public concerns about travel and transport around changes to hospital services in Huddersfield and Halifax, a travel and transport group was created to ensure that public concern was addressed.

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Care home residents and access to GP services

When Healthwatch Kirklees heard that North Kirklees Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) had some ideas which might improve health services for care home residents, we very much wanted to be part of the engagement process, to ensure that as many people as possible could hear about the ideas and have their say on things which may affect them in future.

Social care General Practitioner (GP)
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