The Junction Surgery


01484 451188

Birkhouse Lane
West Yorkshire


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Reviews (53)

Concerns not dealt with quickly

May 20, 2022
I am not happy with the quality of care that was offered to my daughter when we saw the GP about her mental health. At first he didn’t listen to her and I don’t think he took her seriously because of her age. It’s only because I have made multiple appointments that he’s been forced to finally act on it.

my health check visit was good and hassle free

May 20, 2022
self service check-in was good and meant not having to queue to speak to the receptionist. the actual appt was on time and went very well. would recommend to others

Happy with doctors and staff

May 19, 2022
I moved here from another GP surgery and i am happy with the doctors and staff

Middle of the road

May 19, 2022
I feel like the quality of the care is middle of the road, sometimes I have been very happy and other times I have been left frustrated or disappointed.
On one occasion I came to see the asthma nurse and she didn't weigh me or take my blood pressure and then rang me after I had left to ask me to come back on another day to do it then.
I feel like sometimes appointments can be rushed and this is maybe why things are missed.
When I call for an appointment I am offered a telephone consultation but I would prefer a face to face and so far have always been given one when I ask.

Waiting time on the phone lines can be long especially when they ask you to call back the following morning when everyone is trying to get through.
When you call, the automated phone message is very long and the information on there is irrelevant as it talks about going online to book an appointment but I can't access a computer so this information is no good to me and just makes me more frustrated.

No issues

May 19, 2022
The reception staff are friendly and respectful. only usually have to wait a few minutes to be seen once I arrive and sign in. I feel like the GP's always listen to me and respect me.

Staff really good and work hard

May 19, 2022
I usually ring up as I'm not very good online, sometimes I have to wait but I do order my prescriptions on line . The doctor booked this appointment with the nurse for me . Staff attitudes are good but I don't come often, more just for check ups , they are really good and work hard

Seen quickly

May 19, 2022
Good service, get seen quickly everytime. Staff friendly and no complaints about the quality of care.

Staff polite and helpful

May 19, 2022
Doctors, nurses and staff are all nice helpful and polite . This is my first time to the well woman clinic, I was invited to this and it was something I had thought about and wanted to do, so I was very pleased when they asked me if I wanted to come for an appointment. I don't like the on line service I have the App but I prefer to ring up and book

Would like appointments sooner

May 19, 2022
You have book on line but takes a couple of weeks for a more general appointment but i awould prefer an appointment sooner and aithough it's not urgent I don't want to be waiting 2 to 3 weeks

Ok service

May 19, 2022
The serive is ok but have felt they could have done more for me and my daughter at times. She has an ongoing issue which I feel could have been dealt with much sooner and the quality of the advice is sometimes is just a bit vague.
The wait times to speak to someone on the phone can be long and same when I'm in surgery waiting to be seen can take a long time.

Also when I call and get through to reception they can be rude and the questions they ask feel interfering. I want to speak to the doctor about my issue and not have to share personal details with the reception staff but they keep asking I interfering questions. When I ask them why they need to know they don't give me an explanation.