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Latest Reports > Long term health conditions
Community Champions – Diabetes Findings
Healthwatch Kirklees has worked in partnership with (Third Sector Leaders) Community Champions to reach over 2000 people to tackle:
- Diabetes and risk factors awareness
- The challenges and barriers to accessing diabetes services and support faced by individuals
In this report, you’ll find information about barriers and recommendations:
- Awareness – The unanimous mention of a lack of awareness of services, risks and support across all demographics underscores the need for more robust outreach and education efforts.
- Language & Communication – Beyond the linguistic challenges often associated with non-native English speakers, the data revealed that individuals with learning disabilities face similar barriers.
- Time Constraints – Time emerged as a significant barrier, especially among working-age individuals and those with physical impairments.
- Gender Disparities – The distinct challenges women face, particularly regarding language and understanding, emphasise the need for gender-sensitive approaches in service provision and communication.
Why don’t South Asian people access learning disability services as much as other groups in Kirklees?
Kirklees has a higher than national average number of ethnic minorities. These communities generally have lower interactions with services and for South Asian people with learning disabilities, this is further exacerbated since people with learning disabilities and their carers can be isolated socially and when it comes to accessing NHS or social care services.
Are there issues with changes to continuing health care funding
In the last 6 months we have heard stories from people who have had their Continuing Health Care packages changed and replaced with social care support instead. This is often for people with long term, severe illness.
Offering people free Body Mass Index (BMI) checks and heart rhythm checks
Healthwatch Kirklees regularly go out into the community to talk to people about their experience of health and social care services.
We’re always looking for different ways to engage people so we decided to take out some equipment to provide people with some basic health checks.
What are patient and carer views of stroke services in West Yorkshire
Healthwatch was asked by West Yorkshire and Harrogate health services to talk to patients, carers and the wider public, about what people thought about possible new ways of providing the care that they need when they have a stroke or care for someone who has.
The work was aimed at people who have experienced a stroke but did include methods to capture the views of the wider public also.
Adult Autism in Kirklees
Healthwatch Kirklees and Healthwatch Calderdale were contacted by a few adults with Autistic Spectrum Conditions (ASC) who were concerned about complications around diagnosis and accessing services locally.
Support services for people with ME/CFS
The Calderdale and Kirklees Independent ME Support group raised various issues with Healthwatch Kirklees regarding diagnosis, stigma and support for people with ME.
The ME group asked Healthwatch to support them with sharing their experience with local Clinical Commissioning Groups.
- Dentistry 6
- domicallary services 1
- Diabetes 1
- General Practitioner (GP) 8
- supported living 1
- F 0
- Hospital 3
- home adaptations 1
- cervical screening 1
- Mental Health 4
- Carers lanyard 2
- Breast screening 1
- Social care 9
- Care homes 2
- women's health 4
- Enter and View 2
- Unpaid carers 2
- Leaving hospital 1
- Council and Clinical Commissioning Group 3
- Young carers 1
- reablement 1
- Long term health conditions 7
- West Yorkshire 3
- discharge 1
- Engagement 22
- annual report 2
- Inequalities 8
- End-of-life care 2
- Carers 2
- Bereavement 1
- assisted living 1
- Dying 1
- medequip 1
- Grief 1
- National work 5
- community care equipment 1
- Accessibility 2
- Children and Young People 1
- home care 1
- Men's Health 5
- Covid-19 3
- independent living 2
- Health Inequalities 6